Exodus - Part 1


Today you are starting a brand new Ohana series on the trials and tribulations of the children of Israel. There are 27 lessons in this series; 12 in Part One and 15 in Part Two.

The first twelve lessons cover how the children of Israel were able to get out of an impossible situation which would eventually have ended in death. Our hope is that out of this set of lessons you will discover how you, today, can be delivered from any personal enslavement to sin. This first series is how you and I, today, can be justified.

The neat thing is that the same God who brought the children of Israel out of bondage is still big enough and strong enough to deliver us from our bondage of sin.

The second series in this set is what happened to the children of Israel after they came out of Egypt and were on their way to the Promised Land. What a story!

What we discover is that they had all kinds of good and bad experiences as they were on that road to Paradise. We will also discover what stopped them from going into the Promised Land much sooner than they did. By the way, it is the same thing that stops many of us from enjoying the blessings of the Promised Land today.

The second series can be summed up in one word, “Sanctification.” There is a lot we can learn in these two series. Our hope is that you and your Ohana will be richly blessed as you work your way through these timely lessons.