Sabbath Morning Bible Study Groups

Join a class on Sabbath Morning

Small Groups

Join a Small Group that meets during the week

Spiritual Growth Resources

Resources for weekly study related to the weekly sermon topic.

Sabbath School Classes

Biblical Studies

Greg Howell
10:00 am
Meets in the Choir Room in the Rose Court Area

Discipleship Pastor's Class

Pastor Pedro 
10:00 am
Meets in the Little Lambs Room

Bible Verse by Verse

Vic & Jana Aagard
9:30 am
Meets in the Fireside Room in the Fellowship Hall

Adventures in Ministry

John Wilt, Rich Dubose
9:30 am
Meets in the Fellowship Hall

Adult SS Bible Study

Barbara Nahorney, Vicky Holbert, Mitch Williams
9:30 am
Meets in the Church Library
Small Groups
Small Groups help you make new friends, be involved, and grow deeper in your relationship with God.
Whether its at home, in a park, at the coffee shop, we encourage you to be part of a small group

Fill out this form to let us know how you would like to be involved

Study Guides
For Individual, Family and Group Study
Theme: The Empowered Church
The Source of Empowerment (Acts 1-2)
The Church that Empowers (Acts 3-4)
Empowering the Church (Acts 5-7)
Theme: Missions
Beyond Jerusalem (Acts 8)
Unlikely Missionaries (Acts 9:31-10:48)
The Mission Field (Acts 9:31-11:30)
Ministry Teams (Acts 12-16:34)
Into Asia Minor & Greece (Acts 17-19)
Theme: The Cost
Leaving Friends Behind (Acts 20)
Wherever God Leads (Acts 21)
Having a Testimony (Acts 22-26)
Comfortable with Discomfort (Acts 27-28)
Week 1 - Communion
Week 2 - Trust
Week 3 - Rest
Week 4 - God's Dwelling Place
Week 5 - Known by God
Week 6 - Absolute Peace
Week 7 - God's Desire (Second Coming)
The Advent Journey - Christmas Series
Week 1 - The Promise of Jesus 
Week 2 - The Holy Spirit
Week 3 - The Supporting Cast
Fresh Start - January 2022 Series
Week 1 - Fresh Start
Week 2 - Fresh Connections
Week 3 - Refreshed Knowledge in the Word
Week 4 - Fresh Encounter with the Word
Week 5 - 

Holistic Small Group Study Guides

People slow down their lives to develop their own personal relationship with Jesus.
  1. Confront the Crisis of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
  2. Know and Become Your Authentic Self in Christ
  3. Discover How Your Family of Origin Affects You Today
  4. Find Your Way Through "Walls" to Grow into Maturity
  5. Enlarge Your Soul Through Embracing Grief and Loss
  6. Integrate Silence and Sabbath to Slow Down for Jesus
  7. Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult
  8. Design a Lifelong Plan to Live in God's Love

Courses are 8 weeks long once a week. 
Contact Pastor Pedro Trinidad for future dates and information. or (916) 487-8684 ext 13