As you face the coronavirus pandemic again this week, what role does the Trinity play in this? Ask God the Father to deal with the pandemic since he is the authority figure of the entire universe (pictured seated on the throne of the universe—Rev. 4). Ask Jesus to speak and act on behalf of humans who are suffering on earth since he knows what it’s like to suffer on earth (Heb. 14-16). Ask the Holy Spirit to enable you to live Romans 5:3-5 through you this coming week.
The youth recently spent time during several weeks of Sabbath School studying the Biblical practice of lament—feeling and expressing sorrow. God laments and his people lament. In addition to the book of Lamentations, a number of the Psalms also include sorry and lamenting (see Psalm 44, 60, 74, 80, 85, 90). Contact one of the youth and ask them about lamenting and how to do it. Then join them or do your our lament in these trying times.
Another application idea is to reflect on your current state of mind. Without denying what is happening (and not happening), claim the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. What does it mean for God to dwell within you? How does that impact how you face your dad, your difficulties, and the people or the isolation in your life? Respond with gratitude, expectation, incredulity, invocation, and/or praise.
Yet another application is to actively pray intercession prayers. With the Trinity you get the God of the universe in charge of the entire universe, a human speaking into the ear of God the Father, and God’s presence throughout the entire earth right now. It’s like having Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28:12, 16; John 1:50-51), except throughout the world. So intercede for those within your own house, for others in our church, for those in other parts of the state or country, and for those in other parts of the world outside the USA.
Claim the active presence of God in this world in which there is plenty of evidence for both good and evil. Indeed, the Great Controversy continues even though Christ already defeated Satan. But rather than acknowledge that he has been defeated, the devil refuses to concede and is going down fighting. Even though victory has already been won and Christ has been seen seated at the right hand of God the Father (Acts 7:56; Rev. 5:6-10). Refresh your memory with this reality instead of the noise that Christ hasn’t won. The truth is that Satan has lost, and he will continue to lose even though he presents the false image that he has won. Believe and act on the truth of Scripture no matter how loud the false message gets blasted. Live in light of the Trinity’s reality rather than Satan’s false reality.
Use a concordance or Google the Bible passages about Jesus being God’s only begotten Son. Study the passage and the context to see if this refers to Jesus before he came to earth or if it refers to Jesus during his time on earth. Try John 3:16 for starters. Compare that with passages like Genesis 22:12 and Hebrews 11:17. Consider John 1:1-3, 14, 18. Is this just a mind game, or does it change your outlook, your attitude, and the way you live your life?