Absolute Peace

Spiritual Growth Resource:
Absolute Peace

Shalom - the popular Hebrew word for saying Hi and Bye. Shalom is more than just a greeting, it is a state of mind, it is the lens through which we see the world. The opposite of shalom is hamas. Hamas means violence. God offers peace. Those who don't know God offer violence.

What does peace look like? Has there even been a "time of peace" in your lifetime? After WWII there was a relative time of peace. People thought that the world had come to its senses and would avoid entering into mass-casualty conflicts. That "peace" was short lived. Since the world is always in some kind of turmoil, how do we find peace in the midst of it all? What kind of peace have you found in the last 15-18 months? Does peace come from the absence of strife or does it flourish in the midst of it? What or who is the source of our peace? Does it come from "peace talks?" Is it getting away from the conflict?


  • John 11
  • 1 Thess. 4:13-18
  • 1 Cor 15:51-52
  • Galatins 6:2, 9, 14
  1. How could Jesus exhibit peace after hearing that Lazarus was sick? John 11:5-6
  2. Overall, how does John 11 give you a message of peace?
  3. What's the relation between the message of the Second Coming and peace? 1 Thess. 4:13-18
  4. How does the message of 1 Cor 15:51-52 give you peace?
  5. While we wait for the Second Coming of Jesus how can we contribute to peace? Gal 6:2, Gal 6:9


Some people seem to be more at peace than others. It can be due to their temperament, but it can also be because of their trust in what God has promised. How do we get the point where our trust in God is such that we can live in peace no matter what may be going on in the world or even in our own home?

How do you contribute to peace in your circle of influence? Does your presence, demeanor, or talk seem to take away peace? How do you promote peace. Jesus extends a special blessing on the peacemakers. I don't think that peacemakers are a special group of people, instead a wish for all of those who follow Christ. We are called to be peacemakers. In other words, we want peace but we also strive for others to experience peace. Which way are you leaning in your life? A peace-maker or a peace-taker?


Part of what I wrote in the GROW section is important in our witnessing. When we walk into a room or someone walks into our space, do we carry with us the peace of God?  That, in and of itself, is an open door for a conversation to start about what brings you peace and why it matters.

Scripture Memorization


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