Blessed Recall #3

Blessed Recall #3

This week we will look at the prophetic ministry of Elijah and John the Baptist and their relation to the Blessed Recall


  1. What are some highlights of Elijah’s prophetic ministry? 1 Kings 19-21; 2 Kings 1-2.
  • Elijah confronts King Ahab prophesying that it wouldn’t rain for 3 years. 1 Kings 17:1
  • He was fed by ravens in the wilderness. 1 Kings 17:6
  • Elijah raised a widow’s son. 1 Kings 17:22
  • Had a confrontation with the prophets of Baal 1 Kings 18:20-21.
  • Other.
2. What will an Elijah-like figure do in the future? Malachi 4:5-6
  • He would come before the awesome and great day of the Lord comes.He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the children towards their fathers.
  • The results of this ministry would prevent social calamity from happening.
  • Other.
3. According to Jesus, who is this Elijah-like figure? Matthew 11:10-15; Matthew 17:10-12
  • John the Baptist.
  • Jesus calls him “my messenger”
  • John is the greatest among humans.
  • John would restore “all things.”
  • Other.
4. What was John the Baptist’s role in Jesus’ ministry?
  • Right away, John began preaching a message of repentance. Matthew 3:2
  • Preparing the way for Jesus before Jesus began his public ministry.
  • Baptized people and even Jesus in the Jordan River.
  • Came to bear witness about Jesus. John 1:6-8
  • Read John 1:19-23.


There was something special about Elijah's prophetic ministry. So much so that it was as a model for other prophets. Like Moses is known as the liberator and lawgiver, Elijah represents all the prophets. That's probably why he and Moses are the ones who meet Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration.

The prophetic ministry was not one to be taken too lightly. Most prophets tried to avoid their calling because they knew the personal cost. These prophets would confront kings and leaders with a life and death message that wasn't well-received most of the time. Yet, God chose these extraordinary men and women to do something mission essential. By being on the front lines, they saw God act according to the words they uttered to kings, priests, and the people. Elijah faced persecution for doing what God asked him to do. John the Baptist was imprisoned and ultimately killed. All for doing what God had called them to do. Consider that before God does something great, he sends these special messengers ahead of time to let the people know what's coming.

Using the examples of Elijah and John, we can look at spiritual growth from two angles.
Sometimes we are called to use our prophetic voice to bring attention to what is coming.
The other angle is when we are at the receiving end of a prophetic message. How will you receive an urgent that comes to you that you may not consider so critical? Some were glad to hear it, and others hated the message so much that they tried to get rid of the messenger.

So even if you see a ragged-looking person dressed in camel's clothing giving a message from God, it would be easy to dismiss the message because of the messenger. Elijah supposedly was the cause of a three-year drought. Why would you listen to anything he has to say? Consider that God uses even the unlikeliest methods and people to reach us. If a message reveals our need for God, consider the message as a precursor to something greater coming.


It will be tempting to think that Elijah and John’s prophetic ministry was just for a small select group of people. At its core, it’s a message of restoring the people to God and each other. Elijah got people’s attention by being the face representing what was going on in society. His words affected the climate, the political powers, and the religious duplicity. Elijah was persona non grata. His role was not to be popular but to bring attention to what God would do.

Like Elijah, the same was for John the Baptist. He wasn’t your typical hip preacher. His message wasn’t politically correct. His part was to bring attention to the Lamb of God, who takes away the world’s sins.

How can you point people to God’s plan this week?

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