Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

Feb 8, 2025    Pastor Marvin Wray

Last week we focused on that God knows where we are and how to get us where we need to be. We, most often, don't really see very clearly and we need to slow down and let Him lead. This week I want to take that a step further and assure you that not only does God know your unique circumstances, but He also knows the unique work He wants you to do. You, indeed every one of you, have a God given uniqueness that God was to use in personal ministry opportunities. There are connections to be made that are tailored by God to be accomplished by you...and only you. I don't want to miss those moments and I don't want you to miss them either. We can do amazing things as a church body if each member allows God to work through His individualized gifts. Be the you God designed you to be.