Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

Mar 15, 2025    Pastor Marvin Wray

Don't fire me based on the title for this week's message. Stay with me to the end. I must confess to you that I struggle in my efforts to be like Jesus. I fall so far short again and again. It can actually get discouraging when I spend time in reflection and realize how I can never live up to the example He has shown us by my efforts and choices. However, if I would look at Jesus as my source rather than my example I begin to see the possibility of growth into the man He desires me to be. It will never be by my efforts, but rather by my surrender that His likeness begins to form in my character. As I allow Christ to live in indwell me through the living presence of His Holy Spirit I become changed. Read the closing verses of Romans 7 and you will get the picture. May Christ dwell in you this week.