Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

Aug 3, 2024    Pastor Marvin Wray

I am truly getting excited as I get further into the preparation for this series. I want to hear what Jesus wanted to reveal to the churches of his time and, even more, what that message says to our church and to me personally. You have to admit, as you read through this final book of the Bible your mind is captivated by many of the scenes you see. But, rather than get sidetracked, and maybe even immobilized, by some of the bizarre depictions, try to simply see what is happening and see the outcome of each scene. This is a book of battles fought and won. This is a book depicting eternal praise to God by those who have been redeemed. This is a book of promised blessings to those who overcome by hearing the words and taking them to heart. This week we get to hear John's testimony as he is transported into heaven, not in just a vision, but in reality. What must he have felt as the scenes opened before his eyes? I can hardly wait to see what he saw and testified to.