Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

Aug 10, 2024    Pastor Marvin Wray

This week we launch into the heart of the message as John shares what Jesus tells him to write to each of these seven churches. Isn't it interesting that while Christ gives a personal message, including affirmations and corrections, to each individual congregation, He also shares that evaluation with all the others. I wouldn't mind getting a personal spiritual checkup with Jesus, as painful as that may be, but I'm pretty sure I would not want to share it with all of you! I love that each church is given a glimpse of Jesus, but no church has the full picture. To each church He declares, "I know all about you." And to each church He shares a wonderful promise to all who overcome! What would He say to us today in Carmichael. Do you even want to know? What you can be sure of is that He is knocking at the door and waiting to come in and dine with anyone who will open the door.