Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

Oct 19, 2024    Pastor Marvin Wray

Having looked last week at the final judgment upon those who turned away from God's love, mercy and grace, we now witness the final judgment on the power responsible for luring them away. When we think of Babylon, let's not think of just one power. The ultimate responsibility rests on that great serpent, the devil, or Satan who is the one true deceiver. Babylon represents every entity that has led men and women to believe that they could earn, or achieve, heaven and God's approval by their own works. The simple message of the gospel, shared once again in this final book, is that we can never be good enough, we can never do enough, we can never achieve righteousness on our own. However, God is to forever be praised because by the blood of the Lamb our sins have been blotted out as a free gift and we are declared righteous by His grace alone. There will be great wailing and mourning as those who allowed themselves to be duped by the false teachings of the false church, but as always, there will also be great praise and thanksgiving by those who followed the Lamb!