Carmichael SDA Church Bulletin

Aug 24, 2024    Pastor Marvin Wray

As we move from the touching scene of worship and adoration that goes on continually we now see the beginnings of warnings being issued as scroll after scroll is opened and the invitation is given to "Come!" We see a sequence of difficult times and bloodshed and natural disasters. However, before things reach a climax we are promised the sealing protection for those who have washed their robes in the blood of the lamb. Certainly, I don't have to unpack this very much for listeners today. Do we not see man's inhumanity to man increasing? Do we not see the repeated natural disasters? Do we not see the intense suffering of the majority of people around the world? Do we not see the intense anger of so many leaders worldwide? The question is asked; "Who will be able to stand?" The answer is: They are all simply God's children who have placed their faith in Him and trust Him to take us home. May we daily renew our minds in trusting the Word and the words He has given us.